as i stated in my last post, said magic has been working very well for me... through a long series of these synchronicity's i have put together an evening of absolute amazing that will be happening here in san francisco on saturday the 28th of august. these synchronicity's have not yet ceased and are creating an ever greater and more fantastic reality for me and you to enjoy...
i have, through no effort of my own, but instead solely through happenstance, begun working with a few other promoters (some of them old friends, some of them new... but all of them incredibly talented and tasteful), to bring this event into fruition.
...and of course there is more... i now have oOoOO (amazing witchhouse project featured on that mixtape salem did for the fader awhile back) booked to do a dj set (along with myself and Nako)(not to mention to play live on september 25th, but more about that later)... this is seriously going to be one of the most amazing events i could ever even witness, much more, be a part of.
..oh, one more thing... the night is entitled 120 minutes (the last two hours will be all music videos) and as promotion i will be releasing a mixtape in the next week or two featuring a 60 minute long A-side mixed by me and 60 minute long B-side mixed by oOoOO. more news on that to come.
oOoOO-i live for the day (mp3)
if you dig that track, which of course you do, check out the triangle records comp dis magazine put out that it is featured on... all lyndsay lohan covers... all fucking great.