me and oOoOO are gonna be doin' a new 120 mix soon...
sorry it's been a second... and then some. i've been working on a lot of projects. one of which was this mixtape. i actually finished it weeks ago, but again, the overwhelming crazy that is my life as of late has kept it on the back burner. but here it is, in all its random glory... the particularly amazing part is that side b was mixed by none other than oOoOO... yep that's right, one of the high priests of "witch house" has helped to bring you a fabulous romp through crazytown filled with everything from creeptastic meena kumari remixes to...

120 Minutes is a club night i'm throwing here in san francisco... a video dance club and showcase for independent music... on august 28th LIGHT ASYLUM is playing... it's gonna be absurdly amazing.
side a
side b