"i left her sitting under a tree gazing up through dappled sunlight to observe the clouds parade across the sky. she said she would never leave that spot. i placed a ball of gossamer thread in her lap and tied one end around my tongue. i turned my back to her and with my first step she slipped away from memory. but... today blood poured from my mouth, and when i looked down i saw the faded dusty string with bits of my flesh dragging in the dirt. i remembered the girl i had abandoned and began to follow the thread, shaking through all the lazy days and ugly ways that had come to pass between us. she was glowing when i found her. i sat down next to her and she kissed my bloody mouth. together we buried that old cord under the tree. i settled into her spot as she stood up to eye the horizon's far margin. i saw the wanderlust grow in her eyes, and begged her to stay as she began to pull away."
my wife wrote this forevs back on her old blog, moments of grace...
it seems to fit eerily well with this vid and song.
it's impossible to overstate the amazing, that is the understated, that is grouper.